Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The journey has (not quite) begun

Ah the wonders of a study abroad blog! I'm not entirely sure why I felt the need to create a new blog when I already have a livejournal, but that thing is so full of Arashi and ridiculousness that I thought it might be prudent to have a space that doesn't scare my relatives serves a few more purposes.

My goals with this blog are to keep my loved ones updated on my general happenings in a manner which will hopefully avoid all sorts of rushed, intermittent, and uninformed emails on my end. You probably don't know this about me, but I'm flaky and bad at follow-through!

I'm being my awkward midwestern self again and taking on several ambitious projects abroad, including but not limited to:
  • This blog
  • Classroom Connections (I write letters to 3rd graders!!)
  • a tumblr about 自動販売機

I may even post some in Japanese, something I've been petrified to do since forever because writing is probably my weakest area... Yes, I know avoiding it won't make it any better SHUT UP YOU'RE NOT FUNNY YOU'RE RUINING MY DREEEEEAAAAAAMMSSS


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